Commission Calculator

Traditional real estate agents are paid by way of percentage, a South Australian real estate agent would typically charge 2.2% but we have seen as high as 4.4%. Add to the mix inflated, agent focused marketing expenses and that mysterious administration fee.

The more your property is worth, the more money you will pay for the same service - doesn't sound right, does it? Here at Adelaide Agent, things are done a little differently.

Calculate your potential saving when selling an established, under-construction or an off-the-plan property. Vacant Land sales attract even further savings.


Your Potential Saving
Your Property Value


Disclaimer: The calculator does not take into consideration additional savings for Vacant Land sales. The calculator does not take into consideration additional savings of no administration fee being charged by Adelaide Agent. The calculator does not take into consideration any savings in relation to marketing expenses. The calculator uses the formula of a typical real estate agent charging 2.2% (including GST) on the final sale price of a property minus the Adelaide Agent simplified fixed fee. The calculator does not take into consideration any promotional discounts or incentives. The calculator is for guidance only and a full Adelaide Agent appraisal would be required to determine a final savings figure.